pH Balance and Your Health

Enter into pH, acid, alkaline, oxygen, blood

Inside the human body, the acid-alkaline balance is important since many functions in the body occur only at a certain level of acidity or alkalinity. Many enzymes and chemical reactions in the body work best at a particular pH.

A small change in acid-alkaline balance can have a profound effect on body function. For example, muscle ability to contraction declines and hormones like adrenaline increase, as the body becomes slightly more acid. Different parts of the body have different levels of acidity and alkalinity. If for the saliva and urine can be a wide range values, the blood is maintained within restricted limits.

Organ                  pH

Skeletal muscle           6.9 - 7.2 
Heart                     7.0 - 7.4
Liver                           7.2
Brain                           7.1
Blood                   7.35 - 7.45
Saliva                    6.0 - 7.4
Urine                     4.5 - 8.0

All body functions: respiration, excretion, digestion and cellular metabolism are involved in the regulation of acid-alkaline balance.

In the blood acid-alkaline is regulating by substances as buffers (bicarbonate, albumin, globulin and hemoglobin) that act chemically to resist its changes. The lungs and kidneys do other regulation of pH blood in the body.

The lungs regulation of acid-alkaline is by removing carbon dioxide from the blood. Carbon dioxide combines with water in the body to form carbonic acid, so that removing carbon dioxide is equivalent to removing acid. The respiratory rates depend on the acid-alkaline of the body: speeding up under acid conditions to remove carbon dioxide and reduce acidity and slowing down under alkaline conditions to retain acids and reduce alkalinity.

The kidney also responds to the acid-alkaline of the blood. If the blood is too acid, the kidney excretes extra hydrogen into the urine and retains extra sodium. Phosphorus in the form of phosphate is required for this exchange. The body obtains this phosphorus from bone if it is otherwise unavailable. When the bloodstream is extremely acid, the kidney uses a different method and excretes ammonium ions, which contain four hydrogens, into the urine. When the body is too alkaline, the process is reversed, and hydrogen is retained.

In the digestive process, the secretions of the stomach and the pancreas affect acid-alkaline balance. These secretions are absorbed into the bloodstream and affect the rest of the body. When food is eaten, the stomach secretes hydrochloric acid. In response to this acid, the pancreas secretes bicarbonate, which neutralizes the stomach acid so that pancreatic enzyme can work properly.

Unfortunately... the majority of the foods and drinks we consume are acidic, such as meat, grains and sugar, with colas and other soft drinks being highly acidic. So unless you have been eating a very healthy diet, full of fresh fruit and vegetables, your body is way too acidic, creating a very good environment for cancer to grow in.

Actually, too much acidity is an underlying factor in many degenerative diseases – ulcer, diabetes, arthritis, fibromyalgia and more.

Taking medicines or supplements while your body is highly acidic is a bit like washing dishes in a sink of dirty water, even when you put in plenty of soap, you can't get the dishes clean.

When your blood starts to become acidic, your body deposits acidic substances in the cell blood (usually toxins). However, this causes your cells to become more acidic and toxic, which results in a decrease of their oxygen levels, and harms their DNA and respiratory enzymes.

Over time, these cells increase in acidity and some die. These dead cells themselves turn into acids. However, some of these acidified cells may adapt in that environment. In other words, instead of dying - as normal cells do in an acid environment - some cells survive by becoming abnormal cells.

These abnormal cells are called malignant do not correspond with brain function or with our own DNA memory code. Therefore, malignant cells grow indefinitely and without order. This is cancer.

Low oxygen levels turn some cells cancerous. Alkaline water (including the water in cells) holds a lot of oxygen.

Symptoms Of Over Acidity Or Alkalinity

When the blood is too acid, symptoms include drowsiness, progressing to stupor and coma. Acute acidosis can result from kidney or lung problems, dehydration, ingestion of certain drugs, diabetes or diarrhea, and is treated by giving an alkaline solution such as bicarbonate of soda.

When the blood is too alkaline, symptoms include cramps, muscle spasms, irritability and hyper excitability and may be caused by impaired kidney function, hyperventilation, use of diuretic or steroid drugs, vomiting or gastric drainage.

The acid-alkaline balance is an important factor in the health and functioning of the body. Diet is one factor that influences acid-alkaline balance both through the acid or alkaline forming nature of the foods that are eaten and through the nutrient content which affects metabolism. Nutrient rich traditional diets provide the essential factors necessary for excellent metabolism, good acid-alkaline regulation and optimal health.

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